Natural Sinus Treatment – Stop those Sinus Infections Naturally

Natural Sinus Treatment – Stop those Sinus Infections Naturally

Here is an Amazing Fact! In America today, sinus infections affect more than 37 million people each year. It is more prevalent today, than it was before we had antibiotics. Now, this isn’t a claim that antibiotics are not effective. When a sinus infection does occur, it is often essential to treat the infectious bacteria with antibiotics. But…There are several other ways to treat sinusitis:

*Decongestants can help relieve symptoms.
*Oral or topical steroids.
*Antihistamines can be used if allergies are involved.

Doctors are now beginning to realize that to be able to fight off a sinus infection or prevent a recurrence, medication isn’t always enough. It is also necessary to have healthy, properly functioning nasal and sinus passages.What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

When mucus get trapped in the sinus area, it can become infected very easily. Some symptoms of sinus infection include:

1. Pressure on the face around the eyes, cheeks and forehead.
2. If you have a cold and it lasts more than 10 days.
3. Postnasal drip, this is when excess mucus drips down the throat.
4. Thick, green or yellow mucus
5. Pain in the upper teeth or molars.
6. Tiredness, fatigue, or a flu-like achiness.

Here are some natural sinus treatments you can try:

These natural treatments will help keep the cilia healthy and functioning properly to prevent excess mucus from forming in your sinuses. If a sinus infection should occur, these treatments will help increase the effectiveness of your medications and antibiotics.1. Apply a warm compress to your face. You should do this for a period of five minutes, 3-4 times a day. Just place a small towel soaked in warm water over your face, below the eyebrows.  This will help increase the circulation anddrainage in your sinuses.

2. Drink plenty of hot liquids. Hot drinks are one the best ways to unplug your sinuses, drink hot tea – black, green, herbal or decaffeinated, it doesn’t make any difference. Do you remember what your mother used to say? Eat chickensoup, this also helps. You need to consume enough liquids so that when you urinate, it is light in color.

Hot liquids will help keep your mucous membranes moist. This will speed the movement of your cilia and help wash the mucus out of your sinuses faster. Sorry, coffee lovers, but coffee isn’t nearly as effective as hot tea.

3. You need to irrigate your sinuses. For more than 3,000 years, practitioners of yoga have kept their sinuses healthy by sniffing a solution of saltwater rapidly in and out of their nose. A word of caution, do not try this unless you have been taught the proper way to do it.
You can however, purchase a Nasal Sinus Irrigation System that will do this for you. A pulsating solution will irrigate your sinuses, and it is so gentle that it can be used by children.

5 commentaires:

  1. Drinking liquids definitely does help. I've noticed that whenever I'm sick, I can get through it much easier when I'm staying hydrated. You specified hot liquids, which definitely helps, and may very well be the best way to go. You shouldn't rule out colder liquids though. I normally just carry a water bottle around with me to make sure I'm always hydrated, and it works extremely well.

  2. Drinking liquids definitely does help. I've noticed that whenever I'm sick, I can get through it much easier when I'm staying hydrated. You specified hot liquids, which definitely helps, and may very well be the best way to go. You shouldn't rule out colder liquids though. I normally just carry a water bottle around with me to make sure I'm always hydrated, and it works extremely well.

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