Chronic sinusitis symptoms, complications, treatment

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What is the inflammation of the sinuses ?
Inflammation of the sinuses means an inflammation within the sinuses. And more episodes of sinusitis are caused by inflammation of the sinuses located in its cheek bones ( jaw bone ) which is the most common .

• Acute sinusitis :

Which means the development of inflammation quickly ( within a few days ) and sustained for a short time . And Most of the cases of acute sinusitis lasts for a week , but may continue for a period ranging between 2-3 weeks ( and this period is longer than the duration of a cold most of the cases ) . And sometimes last longer . And inflammation of the sinuses is described as sharp , if continued for a period not exceeding 12 weeks . It is common occurrence of moderate -intensity bout of sinusitis.

• Chronic sinusitis :
Which means that the inflammation of the sinuses become longer and continued for a period of more than 12 weeks . It is generally less common than acute sinusitis .

How do you get inflammation of chronic sinusitis ?

Most cases of chronic sinusitis Kttor for cases of infection acute sinusitis ( Most cases of acute sinusitis go away in a period of 2-3 weeks. Often in much less time . , But in some cases it does not go away the symptoms but become symptomatic chronic ) The following are the reasons that can lead to the transformation of acute sinusitis to chronic inflammation : -
• cold or influenza -like illnesses :

In most cases showing acute sinusitis as a result of a cold or a disease like Balonfeloanza . Valverosat that cause colds and influenza may spread to reach the sinuses and remains a viral infection before its demise , causing a viral infection of the pockets . In a few cases more than an attack on the bacteria infection , which began in Russia , which can cause inflammation of the pockets of bacteria and increases the situation worse. And makes it last longer and may cause more damage or a change in the wall lining of the sinus .

• dental infections :
In some cases, the infection spreads from one infected tooth to the maxillary sinuses .
• other factors that increase the risk of infection, inflammation of the sinuses :
Few people in there are one or more pockets makes the nasal more susceptible to infection . And the existence of a latent problems increases the probability of developing acute sinusitis to chronic sinusitis .
Among these factors :

• Allergic rhinitis : Allergies and cause swelling in the tissues and membranes lining the inner wall of the nose , causing obstruction of the channels drained pockets ( discharge channels ) . This makes the sinuses are more prone to infection .

• Polyps or pay something to the inside of the nose ( especially in children , such as a grain of peas or a plastic bead ) in addition to surgery or facial injuries and some types of congenital malformations .
• asthma .
• disease cystic fibrosis.
• a weakened immune system , for example those infected with the (HIV) and persons who are undergoing chemotherapy . Etc. .... Valjhaz weak immune system makes you more susceptible to any infection . It is rare fungal infection that caused inflammation in the sinuses , but they are a reason for that larger in people with a weak immune system .
• inflammatory disorders such as Wegener granular tumors and disease sarcoidosis .
• pregnancy where it makes you more susceptible to nasal inflammation .
• Kartaginer syndrome ( a disorder of the movement of cilia cells Alkhatih leading to stagnation of mucus in the sinuses , which promotes inflammation )
• rare tumors of the nose .
• Smoking .

Therefore, infection , chronic sinusitis is not due simply to the infection did not heal ( and for this reason does not handle chronic sinusitis easily using the usual therapeutic program of antibiotics ) After the initial infection , the infection continued presence of symptoms due to a combination of factors . For example : -
- Discharge or exchange of the weak pocket injured . Vguenah discharge may be full or suffer from partial obstruction .

- The accumulation of mucus in the sinuses.
- Inflammatory changes to the lining of the sinuses caused by infection .
- The emergence of a much spells out unit inflammation from time to time as a result of these changes .

And sometimes other factors that may cause or contribute to the development of chronic sinusitis . For example, for allergies that cause persistent inflammation and swelling in the sinuses or a blockage in the discharge channels .

What are the symptoms of chronic sinusitis ?

The most prominent symptoms usually is the occurrence of nasal obstruction and there may offer one or more of the following symptoms :
- Nasal secretions ( secretions ) and the color tends to yellow the green .
- Decrease in the sense of smell .

- Pain in the infected pocket . However, the pain is often a sign of chronic sinusitis (as opposed to acute sinusitis ) In many cases, it is the feeling of some sort of swelling of the face or an intermediate state of distress rather than a sense of pain.

The severity of symptoms have swung between increases and decreases . And be at their worst when the initial infection inflammation of acute sinusitis . To diagnose chronic sinusitis must be continuous symptoms for more than 12 weeks .

There are other symptoms sometimes occur include : headaches, bad breath and tooth pain , coughing and feeling pressure Oalamtla ear fatigue . In children symptoms can include , injury to a child and Balheiaj snoring and breathing through the mouth , difficulty in breast-feeding in addition to his voice that speaks when it becomes like a speak of his nose as a result of the injury .

How is it diagnosed ?

Your doctor can usually diagnose chronic sinusitis by listening to the typical symptoms you have . And maybe ask some questions to determine whether there is a problem causing chronic inflammation . For example , asthma and nasal allergies and chronic infections of teeth .... etc. . 

And the doctor can examine your nose to make sure that there is nothing abnormal or having a deviation in the nasal bones and to search for any other problems , such as polyps . 

If you are infected Bnoaa of chronic sinusitis , which is difficult to treat by taking some simple measures and procedures your doctor suggests that you may have to retreat to a specialist and ear nose and throat . 

And can be performed several specialist tests to detect if there is an underlying cause makes you more susceptible to inflammation of the sinuses (as mentioned before ) . For example, an examination of the sinus or a detailed look of the nasal cavity ( endoscopic ) or radiograph ( classless pivotal ) .

What is the treatment for chronic sinusitis ?
• cure any problem , causing : If you suffer from any underlying problem might cause or contribute to injury inflammation chronic sinusitis , the treatment of this problem usually helps relieve symptoms . For example : the need to treat nasal allergies and treatment of dental infections and asthma .... etc. .
• that avoid things that can aggravate symptoms or make symptoms worse off : If you are a smoker and suffer from chronic sinusitis . May discover that Baqlaek smoking the symptoms improve.
• Medicines : The type of therapeutic drugs that can be taken include the following :
• can advise faith long program of nasal sprays or nasal drops containing cortisone ( steroid ) (for example, for a period of three months) . Cortisone reduces inflammation . 

Especially that sprays or nasal drops containing cortisone can help topically in places which are believed to play a role in allergic inflammation increase it. For example, if you have allergy nasal In this case helps sprays or nasal drops Alchortazonah sometimes to reduce the size of nasal polyps . And sometimes when symptoms are severe may propose to follow a course of treatment depends on taking cortisone tablets by mouth. However, this method increases the likelihood of side effects .
• The program may be advised to follow the faith of antibiotics lasts longer than the customary period (for example, the program lasts from 2 to 3 weeks ) . 

This method has been successful , but as we mentioned before, chronic sinusitis is not a simple transient inflammation . The program of long- therapeutic antibiotics can be protected from the infected sinuses recurrent infections , and allow any change resulted from chronic inflammation to return to normal gradually . However, the evidence on the need to follow a program of long antibiotics is limited due to the lack of evidence from clinical trials and research . 

( It is often Specialist ear, nose and throat is able to decide whether to follow a treatment program long of antibiotics would be useful or not) .
• show the need for anti-fungal drugs if you have a fungal infection of the sinus ( a rare condition )
• Surgical treatment : Surgical treatment is used mainly if the situation did not improve on previous medical treatments . The primary purpose of the surgery is to improve the discharge or nasal sinus drainage in the infected . And more prevalent surgery called laparoscopic surgery functional sinus (FESS) which requires that the surgeon to enter the telescope inside the nose . The endoscope used in the surgery is high and solid machine containing lenses . 

And allows the telescope to see the enlarged and detailed what inside the nose . And through the surgeon can see the slot discharge channels own pocket . 

And removes any that can impede the discharge pocket tissues infected . Such surgery to improve ventilation and dump pocket , and helps to restore the natural function of the pocket . This surgery is usually scored high rates of success in improving the symptoms of chronic sinusitis and has no significant damage .

It is surgery , which has been newly developed process called " balloon catheter to expand the sinuses " and enter the surgeon to be a small balloon through a flexible tube in the nose and into the pocket impasse . The balloon is inflated to expand the region who shall clogged . The balloon is then reduced and removed. After this procedure, there is a good chance to expand the discharge channel , which can be a pocket of discharge correctly. And sometimes also need surgery to remove nasal polyps or repair problems related to deviations bones inside the nose 

Are there any complications caused by chronic sinusitis?

The coexistence with chronic sinusitis without being treated can be very troublesome, especially with the continued presence of symptoms, but it is not common serious complications.

 Mainchr rarely inflammation of the sinuses to a neighboring regions such as the one-eyed PERI. 

Or into a neighboring bones, or to the blood or brain. And children are more vulnerable to complications from adults. It should tell your doctor immediately if it appears the child with a sinus infection any new symptoms such as swelling or redness of the eyelids or a cheek swab.

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